- VoranaEmerge
- I will not rest until this land is cleansed!
- VoranaPerishRandom
- Perish!
- VoranaPerish2
- Perish!
- VoranaPerish3
- Perish!
- VoranaDeathWindRandom
- Death wind!
- VoranaDeathWindRandom2
- Death wind!
- VoranaDeathWindRandom3
- Death wind!
- VoranaFallBeforeMeRandom
- Fall before me!
- VoranaFallBeforeMe2
- Fall before me!
- VoranaFallBeforeMe3
- Fall before me!
- VoranaCutYouDownRandom
- I shall cut you down!
- VoranaCutYouDown2
- I shall cut you down!
- VoranaCutYouDown3
- I shall cut you down!
- VoranaForTheKingRandom
- For the King!
- VoranaForTheKing2
- For the King!
- VoranaForTheKing3
- For the King!
- VoranaToTheDeathRandom
- To the death!
- VoranaToTheDeath2
- To the death!
- VoranaToTheDeath3
- To the death!
- VoranaCullRandom
- Cull!
- VoranaCull2
- Cull!
- VoranaCull3
- Cull!
- VoranaCull4
- Cull!
- VoranaCull5
- Cull!
- VoranaReapRandom
- Reap!
- VoranaReap2
- Reap!
- VoranaReap3
- Reap!
- VoranaReap4
- Reap!
- VoranaReap5
- Reap!
- VoranaReap6
- Rend!
- VoranaReap7
- Rend!
- VoranaReap8
- Rend!
- VoranaReap9
- Rend!
- VoranaReap10
- Black Scythe!
- VoranaReap11
- Black Scythe!
- VoranaReap12
- Black Scythe!
- VoranaDefeatRandom
- What have I become... ?
- VoranaDefeat2
- The stars... bring only doom...
- VoranaDefeat3
- The stars... bring only doom...
- VoranaDefeat4
- Medved...
- VoranaDefeat5
- Medved...
- VoranaScytheRandom
- Scythe!
- VoranaScythe2
- Scythe!
- VoranaScythe3
- Scythe!
- VoranaScythe4
- Scythe!
- VoranaDarkScytheRandom
- Dark Scythe!
- VoranaDarkScythe2
- Dark Scythe!
- VoranaDarkScythe3
- Dark Scythe!
- VoranaDarkScythe4
- Dark Scythe!
- VoranaBloodreapRandom
- Bloodreap!
- VoranaBloodreap2
- Bloodreap!
- VoranaBloodreap3
- Bloodreap!
- VoranaBloodreap4
- Bloodreap!
- VoranaColdIronRandom
- Cold iron!
- VoranaColdIron2
- Cold iron!
- VoranaColdIron3
- Cold iron!
- VoranaMedvedRandom
- Medved...
- VoranaMedved2
- Medved...
- VoranaTheStarsRandom
- The stars... bring only doom...
- VoranaTheStars2
- The stars... bring only doom...