- TarolloIntro
- You shouldn't have come here! Now I can't let you leave...
- TarolloPhaseOne
- Trying to save these worthless slaves? They'd just as soon cut your throat!
- TarolloPhaseTwo
- They're good for only one thing... Blood.
- TarolloPhaseTwoComeOnHero
- Come on, Hero!
- TarolloPhaseThreeFeeble
- Feeble! Pathetic!
- TarolloPhaseThreeIAmKing
- I am KING!
- TarolloPhaseThreeIllDrainYou
- I'll drain you next!
- TarolloPhaseTwoThinkYoureStrong
- Think you're strong?
- TarolloPhaseOneTresspassers
- Tresspassers!
- TarolloPhaseOneWeak
- Weak!
- TarolloPhaseThreeYoullFeedMyEmpire
- You'll feed my empire!
- TarolloPhaseOneYoullPay
- You'll pay!
- TarolloPhaseTwoYoureNothing
- You're nothing!
- TarolloDeath
- You... Stupid fools...