- KuraiContractFourVinnyToVicDeath
- Vic! No!
- KuraiContractFourVinnyToKuraiThree
- All this... f-...for a book? For a cat?
- VinnyVoxBleed
- Bleed!
- VinnyVoxBleedForMe
- Bleed for me!
- VinnyVoxBow
- Bow before your betters!
- VinnyVoxCantCompete
- You can't compete!
- VinnyVoxControl
- We control the people.
- VinnyVoxDarkness
- Darkness of the Underworld!
- VinnyVoxGutterTrashRandom
- Gutter trash!
- VinnyVoxGutterTrash2
- Gutter trash!
- VinnyVoxNoOne
- No one will remember you!
- VinnyVoxPointless
- Pointless!
- VinnyVoxSpinelessRandom
- Spineless!
- VinnyVoxSpineless2
- Spineless!
- VinnyVoxYoureNothing
- You're nothing!
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_Phase1_A.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_Phase2_A.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseAlt_A.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_A.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_B.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_C.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_D.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_E.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_F.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_G.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_H.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_I.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_PhaseShortAlt_J.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_ReceivedLetter_A.ogg
- [no transcription]
- Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinnyVox/Vin_UnsentLetter_A.ogg
- [no transcription]