- SelectionBanterKuraiToHuck
- Kurai, the Administrator: Huck, thank you for coming.
- SelectionBanterKuraiHuckReply
- Huck, the Soldier: No worries, my lady.
- SelectionBanterKuraiToHuckTwo
- Kurai, the Administrator: Whakano informs me you have been looking for old acquaintances.
- SelectionBanterKuraiHuckReplyTwo
- Huck, the Soldier: Yeah. Not looking to get back into the unit or anything, don't worry. Just miss a few people.
- SelectionBanterKuraiToHuckThree
- Kurai, the Administrator: I see. In that case, the Boss will cover the costs of your search.
- SelectionBanterKuraiHuckReplyThree
- Huck, the Soldier: Oh, no, he doesn't have to do that.
- SelectionBanterKuraiToHuckFour
- Kurai, the Administrator: He wants to.
- SelectionBanterKuraiHuckReplyFour
- Huck, the Soldier: Thank you, lady Kurai.