- AraIntroOne
- Ara, Sister of Light: Were we expecting visitors?
- KhorIntroOne
- Khor, Sister of Shadows: No, sister, we were not.
- KhorIntroTwo
- Khor, Sister of Shadows: You desecrate our sanctum!
- AraIntroTwo
- Ara, Sister of Light: This will not stand.
- AraDeathOne
- Ara, Sister of Light: Sister--... I-...
- KhorDeathOne
- Khor, Sister of Shadows: You fought well, sister.
- KhorDeathTwo
- Khor, Sister of Shadows: I am... done...
- AraDeathTwo
- Ara, Sister of Light: I shall avenge, you, sister.
- AraIntroThree
- Disappointment is the epitome of the pallid moon.
- AraDeathThree
- I... am... eclipsed.
- AraBurnRandom
- Burn!
- AraBurn2
- Burn!
- AraBurn3
- Burn!
- AraBeConsumedRandom
- Be consumed!
- AraBeConsumed2
- Be consumed!
- AraBeConsumed3
- Be consumed!
- AraConflagrateRandom
- Conflagrate!
- AraConflagrate2
- Conflagrate!
- AraConflagrate3
- Conflagrate!
- AraPiercingLightRandom
- Piercing light!
- AraPiercingLight2
- Piercing light!
- AraPiercingLight3
- Piercing light!
- AraSacredFlamesRandom
- Sacred flames!
- AraSacredFlames2
- Sacred flames!
- AraSacredFlames3
- Sacred flames!
- AraSisterRandom
- Sister!
- AraSister2
- Sister!
- AraSister3
- Sister!
- KhorIntroThree
- Pay no worship to the garish sun!
- KhorDeathThree
- Dawn comes... at last...
- KhorDarknessRandom
- Darkness!
- KhorDarkness2
- Darkness!
- KhorDarkness3
- Darkness!
- KhorBeEnvelopedRandom
- Be enveloped!
- KhorBeEnveloped2
- Be enveloped!
- KhorBeEnveloped3
- Be enveloped!
- KhorChillOfNightRandom
- Chill of night!
- KhorChillOfNight2
- Chill of night!
- KhorChillOfNight3
- Chill of night!
- KhorDarknessSwallowRandom
- Darkness swallow you!
- KhorDarknessSwallow2
- Darkness swallow you!
- KhorDarknessSwallow3
- Darkness swallow you!
- KhorShadowsFallRandom
- Shadows, fall!
- KhorShadowsFall2
- Shadows, fall!
- KhorSisterRandom
- Sister!
- KhorSister2
- Sister!
- KhorSister3
- Sister!