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CrashInstanceDebug — Crash Test
[no text]

The next area you create will crash.

DelayInstanceDebug — Delay Test
[no text]

The next area you create will stall for 10 seconds.

DelayCrashInstanceDebug — Delay and Crash Test
[no text]

The next area you create will stall for 10 seconds then crash.

AtziriDropsVaults — The Queen's Vaults
The Red Queen holds the key to her vaults, and only death will loosen her grip.

You will slay Atziri, Queen of the Vaal, and gain access to her Vaults.

TormentedSpiritDropsUnique — The Singular Spirit
A life spent fleeing from the law leaves the spirit ready to escape with its newfound treasure.

You will slay a Tormented spirit that carries a unique item.

ExileDropsAllRare — The Wealthy Exile
They flee from the eyes of Oriath, coated in gold from head to toe.

You will encounter and slay a Rogue Exile who wears only rare items.

ExileSummonsWarband — The Scout
One like you roams the land, but they are just the first of many.

You will encounter and slay a Rogue Exile, who calls forth a Warband.

StrongboxSpawnsExile — Waiting in Ambush
A chest of goods hides many challenges, but one goes unseen even to the wise.

You will be attacked by a Rogue Exile when opening a Strongbox.

AlchemistDropsAlchemyOrb — The Alchemist
A fool tries to turn lead to gold, but a deft hand takes it by force.

You will slay an Undying Alchemist, and it will drop an Orb of Alchemy.

RoyalActBossDropsRegalOrb — A Regal Death
Blue blood drains from a cut-throat, and turns what it touches to gold.

You will slay a very powerful king or queen, and it will drop a Regal Orb.

VaalSideBossDropsVaalOrb — The Corrupt
To plow a field, you need a tool. To harvest grain, you need a tool. To spread corruption, you need a tool.

You will slay a powerful enemy in a Vaal side area and it will drop a Vaal Orb.

IzaroDropsAdditionalTreasureKey — The Emperor's Trove
Lost in his own creation, the Emperor leaves a generous parting gift for the precise.

You will slay Izaro and he will drop an extra Treasure Key.

InnerTreasureMonsterDropsAdditionalUnique — Nemesis of Greed
A collector of antiquities doubles their treasures, relinquishing them only with their final breath.

You will slay a rare but powerful foe who then drops two unique items instead of one.

UniqueMonsterDropsUnique — SHOULD NOT APPEAR
You shouldn't be seeing this!

You will encounter a powerful monster, and it will drop a unique item once slain.

HillockDropsTheAnvil — The Blacksmith
Long ago, a master of metal, now a shaper of fear. But his greatest tools remain.

You will slay Hillock and he will drop a powerful item.

PossessedMonsterSpawnsTormentedSpirit — Forceful Exorcism
A pained spirit hijacks a body, and will not be stopped by that body's demise.

You will kill a foe possessed by a Tormented Spirit, freeing the spirit.

MapBossDropsRareMap — The Dreamer's Dream
The greatest threat, deep in dream, holds the key to another world.

You will enter a certain map, and when you slay the very powerful foe that has made it its home, it will drop a rare map.

MapShavronneBrutus — The Aesthete's Spirit
The echo of the Aesthete haunts her greatest creation, bestowing great powers once more.

You will find the tormented spirit of Shavronne near Brutus. You will slay Brutus while he is possessed by her spirit.

MapKoleBrutus — Brothers in Arms
Two men, transformed into monsters, fight together to hold the gate.

You will encounter Brutus and Kole deep in Axiom Prison, and slay them both.

MapDoedreStoneCircle — Echoes of Witchcraft
A circle of silent giants imprisons a memory of undying misery. A dark tongue whispers dark words carried by the western winds.

You will travel to the stone circle in the Western Forest, and destroy the Echo of Doedre Darktongue who waits there.

MapKadakaKuduku — The God of Misfortune
Pagan mouths worship pagan gods; false idols for false promises.

You will destroy the false idols Kuduku and Kadaka

MapMaligaroFidelitas — Echoes of Mutation
Perverse loyalty, blind love, the abuser and the abused reunited in sin.

You will find the Echo of Maligaro in the Chamber of Sins and destroy it.

MapDaressoMerveil — Echoes of Lost Love
Twisted by temptation, tempted by corruption, the Siren's song finally calls forth a fragment of her lost love.

You will find the Echo of Daresso in the Cavern of Anger and destroy it.

MapExtraHaku — A Master Seeks Help
Prognosticating impending doom, a master survivalist seeks aid.

You will find Einhar and complete his mission.

MapExtraTora — A Master Seeks Help
Prognosticating impending doom, a master survivalist seeks aid.

You will find Einhar and complete his mission.

MapExtraCatarina — A Master Seeks Help
Blind to all but gold, a master treasure hunter seeks aid.

You will find Alva and complete her mission.

MapExtraVagan — A Master Seeks Help
Blind to all but gold, a master treasure hunter seeks aid.

You will find Alva and complete her mission.

MapExtraElreon — A Master Seeks Help
Maniacally digging in endless darkness, a master miner seeks aid.

You will find Niko and complete his mission.

MapExtraVorici — A Master Seeks Help
Maniacally digging in endless darkness, a master miner seeks aid.

You will find Niko and complete his mission.

MapExtraZana — A Master Seeks Help
Lost in the miasma of dream, a master of many realms seeks aid.

You will find Zana and complete her mission.

MapExtraEinhar — A Master Seeks Help
Prognosticating impending doom, a master survivalist seeks aid.

You will find Einhar and complete his mission.

MapExtraAlva — A Master Seeks Help
Blind to all but gold, a master treasure hunter seeks aid.

You will find Alva and complete her mission.

MapExtraNiko — A Master Seeks Help
Maniacally digging in endless darkness, a master miner seeks aid.

You will find Niko and complete his mission.

MapExtraJun — A Master Seeks Help
Pursuing a world of perfect balance, a veiled master seeks aid.

You will find Jun and complete her mission.

MapCorruptedSideArea — Hidden Vaal Pathways
Ancient foes open new paths to the land they left barren.

You will enter a hidden Vaal area that contains powerful enemies.

MapSpawnRareZombies — The Undead Brutes
Powerful soldiers of a forgotten time reunite and march once again.

You will seek out and destroy a group of seven powerful undead.

MapSpawnRogueExiles — The Four Feral Exiles
In a faraway dream, four souls far from home prepare to fight to the death.

You will enter a map that holds four additional Rogue Exiles.

RareMonsterKillSpawnsUniqueBloodElementalWithSlainMonstersMods — Risen Blood
Life flows through the blood. Let slip the blood, and the life will continue in a new form.

You will kill a powerful monster, whose blood takes on a new form.

SellingFiveUniquesToVendorReturnsRandomUnique — The Mysterious Gift
A merchant seeks to trade misfitting gifts. Five for one, but what is the one?

You will trade five unique items with a vendor.

ChaosOrbRecipeCreatesAdditionalChaosOrb — A Valuable Combination
When the sum is already greater than the parts, there is room to make it greater still.

You will receive an extra Chaos Orb from a vendor when you trade items that would result in a Chaos Orb.

RollingSixSocketBodyArmourLinksAllSockets — Fated Connections
Five and fewer stand alone, but six draws them together.

You will create a fully-linked six-socket item using only Jeweller's Orbs.

ItemAbleToBecomesUniqueWhenChanceOrbApplied — Trash to Treasure
A blank canvas holds untold potential, but the artist's fortunate hand transforms it into a masterpiece.

You will turn a normal item into a unique item with a single Chance Orb.

ArmourAbleToBecomesFiveLinkedWhenJewellersOrbApplied — The Jeweller's Touch
The Jeweller leaves five fingerprints and connects them with a single thread.

You will create a fully-linked five-socket item with a single Jeweller's Orb

MasterMissionExtraRewards — A Gracious Master
A desperate ally seeks your aid, and will lavish you with appreciation.

You will complete a Master's mission.

SkillGemDropsWith20QualityAllocatedToYou — Erasmus' Gift
The kind gemcutter scattered his beautiful craft for the paupers, but greedy hands hide them.

You will discover a 20% quality gem.

KillingKaomWithKaomsSignAddsSpecificMod — The King's Path
Madness feeds the King's fury in the raging mouth of the volcano. His last vision will be a sign.

You will defeat Kaom while holding Kaom's Sign.

KillingGemlingLegionareWithKaruiWardAddsSpecificMod — The Karui Rebellion
Thaumaturgy and faith clash among giant ruins; a recreation of a long-gone rebellion.

You will defeat the Gemling Legionnaires while holding Karui Ward.

KillingDaressoWithBramblejackAddsSpecificMod — The King and the Brambles
The Blade King's blood feeds brambles that grow ever thicker.

You will defeat Daresso while holding Bramblejack.

KillingShavronneWithShavronnesPaceAddsSpecificMod — The Flow of Energy
The Aesthete sustains herself in unnatural ways. When movement fails, energy flows.

You will defeat Shavronne while holding Shavronne's Pace.

KillingNightwaneWithDeathsHarpAddsSpecificMod — The Bowstring's Music
The brittle archer's bow plays a song of death, but the harp sings a sweet masterpiece.

You will defeat Nightwane while holding Death's Harp.

KillingBeyondUniqueWithBlackheartAddsSpecificMod — From The Void
The iron heart, burned in the blackness of the void that lies beyond sight, rots all it touches.

You will defeat Bameth while holding Blackheart.

KillingGneissWithCragheadAddsSpecificMod — Heavy Blows
Living stone strides across the field, each step shakes the earth and rattles the soul.

You will defeat Gneiss while holding Craghead

KillingHatebeatWithBlackgleamAddsSpecificMod — Fire and Brimstone
Living cinders set the stone alight, a gleaming signal in the blackness where husks are burned.

You will defeat Hatebeat while holding Blackgleam.

KillingTorchoakGroveWithArakuTikiAddsSpecificMod — A Forest of False Idols
A grove of wooden faces spit fire, a cheap mockery of unimaginable power.

You will defeat Torchoak Grove while holding Araku Tiki.

KillingHailrakeWithHrimsorrowAddsSpecificMod — Fire and Ice
Cold sorrow turns to burning fury that hails across the shattered ship.

You will defeat Hailrake while holding Hrimsorrow.

KillingShavronneWithCrownOfThornsAddsSpecificMod — Pleasure and Pain
A single thorn slips through stretched skin; pain turns to power.

You will defeat Shavronne while holding Crown of Thorns.

KillingGemlingLegionnaireWithEzomytePeakAddsSpecificMod — The Bloody Flowers Redux
Ezomyte banners flutter through the air as embellished monsters fall, a reenactment of the slave's final victory.

You will defeat the Gemling Legionnaires while holding Ezomyte Peak

KillingGraviciusWithDeidbellAddsSpecificMod — Dying Cry
The bell tolls, the people gather, the General is executed. The militia cries out and charges forth.

You will defeat General Gravicius while holding Deidbell.

KillingDoedreWithChaliceOfHorrorsAddsSpecificMod — Mouth of Horrors
The vile witch whispers words of horror, and sups from the chalice one final time.

You will defeat Doedre while holding Chalice of Horrors.

KillingCalafHeadstaverWithSpringleafAddsSpecificMod — Nature's Resilience
Thieves camp beneath roadside trees, but it is their leader who falls like the mighty oak.

You will defeat Calaf, Headstaver while holding Springleaf.

KillingChattersWithKaltenhaltAddsSpecificMod — The Snuffed Flame
Cold bones rattle in stone cells, extinguishing all light, all warmth, all hope.

You will defeat Chatters while holding Kaltenhalt.

KillingHundredFootShadowWithScreamingEagleAddsSpecificMod — The Apex Predator
The eagle battles the vulture in the shadow of a dying sun, and becomes something greater.

You will defeat the Hundred Foot Shadow while holding Screaming Eagle.

KillingHammerstormWithLimbsplitAddsSpecificMod — Severed Limbs
A storm of stone stops when the last of the limbs are severed and blood flows no more.

You will defeat Hammerstorm while holding Limbsplit.

KillingVaalOversoulWithDoomfletchAddsSpecificMod — Ancient Doom
Doom grows at the apex of the pyramid.

You will defeat the Vaal Oversoul while holding Doomfletch.

KillingKalFoxflyWithSilverbranchAddsSpecificMod — The Silverwood
A thief, bow in hand, flees to the wooded outskirts.

You will defeat Targa, Beast Poacher while holding Silverbranch.

KillingFidelitasWithStormCloudAddsSpecificMod — The Servant's Heart
The Servant's sacrifice summons a storm in the Prodigy's soul.

You will defeat Fidelitas while holding Storm Cloud.

KillingSoulmournWithHrimnorsHymnAddsSpecificMod — Winter's Mournful Melodies
A mournful hymn, a mournful soul, the chill of death on the wind.

You will defeat Soulmourn while holding Hrimnor's Hymn

KillingPietyWithReverberationRodAddsSpecificMod — Power Magnified
The pious grow powerful surrounded by a sea of blood and empty husks

You will defeat Piety while holding Reverberation Rod

KillingGeofriWithRealmshaperAddsSpecificMod — The Beginning and the End
The archbishop plays witness to his own cold death and cremation.

You will defeat Archbishop Geofri while holding Realmshaper.

KillingBoneQueenWithQueensDecreeAddsSpecificMod — The Misunderstood Queen
A queen of bone raises an army and flees among walls of flesh.

You will defeat the Bone Queen while holding Queen's Decree.

UniqueMonsterKillTurnsAllNormalMonstersIntoMagic — SHOULD NOT APPEAR
You shouldn't be seeing this!

All normal monsters in area become magic - NOTE: Currently very laggy, do not enable

TheBlackStone1 — The Black Stone I
The black stone senses resilience in you. It too grows resilient to outside influences.

You will use an Orb of Transmutation on an Onyx Amulet, applying elemental resistances.

TheBlackStone2 — The Black Stone II
The black stone senses the joy of life in you. It feeds on this joy and grows more lively.

You will use an Orb of Augmentation on the Onyx Amulet, applying life.

TheBlackStone3 — The Black Stone III
The black stone senses eagerness in you. It longs for the excitement of combat, of bloodshed.

You will use a Regal Orb on the Onyx Amulet, applying critical strike chance.

TheBlackStone4 — The Black Stone IV
The black stone learns from you. It is ready to shape each encounter in your favour.

You will use an Exalted Orb on the Onyx Amulet, turning it into a powerful new item.

RareRuinedTitanDropsClayShaper — The Walking Mountain
Shaped by magic, the tool that breathes life into the titan's stone lies at its heart.

You will track down a powerful Ruined Titan who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareAxiomThunderGuardDropsStormPrison — The Prison Guard
Clad in black, the guard holds the key to unleashing the storm.

You will track down a powerful Axiom Thunderguard who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareMadGladiatorDropsDaressosPassion — The Sword King's Passion
Once a challenger to the crown, he holds in his hands the Sword King's blade.

You will track down a powerful Mad Gladiator who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareMurkRunnerDropsTheScreamingEagle — The Eagle's Cry
A flightless fowl charges through rotten wooden ribs; its scream gives even the battle-hardened pause.

You will track down a powerful Murk Runner who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareDrippingDeadDropsLifesprig — From Death Springs Life
Fetid waters carry the dead downstream, but walking in the mud, the dead one carries life.

You will track down a powerful Dripping Dead who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareBrittlePoacherDropsStormCloud — Storm on the Horizon
The poacher's bowstring snaps like dry bone and crackles like thunder.

You will track down a powerful Brittle Poacher who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareSeethingBrineDropsWanderlust — A Firm Foothold
Water slicks the stone, a misstep chills the bone, the living pools hold the cure.

You will track down a powerful Seething Brine who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareBeardedShamanDropsKaruiWard — The Ward's Ward
The false shaman's death uncovers ancestral allurement locked in ancient stone.

You will track down a powerful Bearded Shaman who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareDevourerDropsWideswing — Fear's Wide Reach
The unseen enemy travels through unseen tunnels. Its reach is small, but its effect is large.

You will track down a powerful Devourer who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareBeardedDevilDropsAxiomPerpetuum — The Prison Key
The gate is unlocked, but the key remains in the hands of a devil.

You will track down a powerful Bearded Devil who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareOaksDevotedDropsRothsReach — Roth's Legacy
The devotee holds a relic of the pirate's past, looted and lost for an age.

You will track down a powerful Oak's Devoted who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareAncientConstructDropsAtzirisFoible — The Soulless Beast
Powered by twin wings, the mechanical monster roams the ruins.

You will track down a powerful Ancient Construct who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareSinLordDropsStoneOfLazhwar — The Sinner's Stone
A lord of sin roams hollow halls protected from the spells he sings.

You will track down a powerful Sin Lord who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareDeathBishopDropsGeofrisBaptism — Baptism by Death
The bishop's flock is long gone, yet still he wields his hefty crook.

You will track down a powerful Death Bishop who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareBlackguardArcmageDropsReverberationRod — The Lady in Black
Lightning's hum grows louder and louder in the hands of the lady in black.

You will track down a powerful Blackguard Arcmage who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareDockhandWraithDropsRothsReach — Against the Tide
Taken by the fickle tides, the Captain's bow washes against the dock from which he set sail.

You will track down a powerful Dockhand Wraith who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareBlackguardEliteDropsFacebreaker — The Brutal Enforcer
In a society that values violence, the violent rise through the ranks like oil through water.

You will track down a powerful Blackguard Elite who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareFlameSentinelDropsGoldrim — Graceful Flames
Crimson fabric flutters with fury and flame, but a gilded prize lies within.

You will track down a powerful Flame Sentinel who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareDrownedDropsMoonbendersWing — Storm on the Reef
Lightning flashes overhead. Bloated bodies wash ashore. One stands, walks, and stretches its wing.

You will track down a powerful Brine Vassal who will drop a unique item when slain.

RarePockedLanternbearerDropsTwyzel — The Petrified
Lightless halls hewn in stone swell with the malformed, the twisted, the hardened and the dangerous.

You will track down a powerful Pocked Lanternbearer who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareVollsVanguardDropsDeathsHarp — The Vanguard
The Vanguard lead the funereal march, playing hymns of death with their bowstrings.

You will track down a powerful Voll's Vanguard who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareUndyingEvangelistDropsTabulaRasa — Cleanser of Sins
The Evangelist does not practise what he preaches, but death wipes clean the slate.

You will track down a powerful Undying Evangelist who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareFightingBullDropsMeginordsGirdle — Strong as a Bull
Strength to rival the Karui King charges through the Sword King's dream.

You will track down a powerful Fighting Bull who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareSkulkingDwellerDropsWindsOfChange — The Lost Undying
Trapped with his emperor when the crown was taken, he seeks to change his fate.

You will track down a powerful Skulking Dweller who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareFrostPriestDropsTheWhisperingIce — A Whispered Prayer
A preacher whispers to the skies and the skies answer with a blanket of biting frost.

You will track down a powerful Frost Preacher who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareAncientArcherDropsDrillneck — The Last Watch
A loyal soldier in life, he stands watch, bow in hand, waiting to be sent to the Mother of death.

You will track down a powerful Ancient Archer who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareSuturedAberrationDropsMaligarosVirtuosity — A Prodigious Hand
The dead one brought back to life by means other than corruption now holds the hands that revived it.

You will track down a powerful Sutured Aberration who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareWanderingEyeDropsEyeOfChayula — The Watcher's Watcher
Unblinking, it watches. Unendingly, it is watched.

You will track down a powerful Wandering Eye who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareKaomsChosenDropsHezemanasBloodlust — Blood of the Betrayed
Slain by their king, they live only in memory, but their lust for blood remains unsated.

You will track down a powerful Kaom's Chosen in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareUndyingIncineratorDropsSireOfShards — Heart of the Fire
Its one desire is to see the world burn. A shard of fury stokes the undying fire in its heart.

You will track down a powerful Solar Guard who will drop a unique item when slain.

RarePockedMinerDropsInfractem — Notched Flesh
Stiff is the bow. Brittle is the flesh that holds it. Deep are the holes it leaves.

You will track down a powerful Pocked Mason who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareAssaultRibbonDropsTearOfPurity — Custodians of Silence
The temple untouched for centuries, the guardians clean and pure, yet they too must meet the Mother.

You will track down a powerful Assault Ribbon who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareBonewarpedWarriorDropsBellyOfTheBeast — Flesh of the Beast
Stripped of its flesh, a warrior fights to protect the piece of the beast it has carved.

You will track down a powerful Bonewarped Warrior who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareCinderElementalDropsMarohiErqi — Fire, Wood and Stone
With crushing weight, the stone figure roams the halls. It burns eternally yet grows no lighter.

You will track down a powerful Cinder Elemental in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareChaosSentinelDropsSingularity — Abnormal Effulgence
Living stone and effulgence, nothing moves unhindered beneath the weight of its dark presence.

You will track down a powerful Chaos Sentinel in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareGalvanicRibbonDropsWindripper — Wind and Thunder
The dreaming fabric flutters and cracks in the wind like thunder. A sharp sound that freezes the blood.

You will track down a powerful Galvanic Ribbon in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareUndyingArchivistDropsAstramentis — Lost in the Pages
Hundreds of years with nothing but books twists a once great mind.

You will track down a powerful Undying Archivist in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareDrippingDeadDropsRainbowstrides — Weeping Death
Striding dryly through the mud, yet dripping with rot, he waits for the Mother's touch.

You will track down a powerful Dripping Dead in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareGutFlayerDropsBinosKitchenKnifeMap — The Flayed Man
The flayed becomes the flayer, stripping flesh from muscle with a sharpened edge.

You will track down a powerful Gut Flayer in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareTunnelerDropsPledgeOfHandsMap — The Hollow Pledge
Grasping blindly through a dark dream, a final pledge turns brittle flesh to dust.

You will track down a powerful Tunneler in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareTalonArcherDropsVoltaxicRiftMap — A Call into the Void
The dreaming cockerel crows thrice, and thunder bellows from the void.

You will track down a powerful Talon Archer in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareMadGladiatorDropsTheBringerOfRainMap — Blood in the Eyes
Blood stains the fighter's eyes and rains upon the dirt. He sees and dreams in crimson.

You will track down a powerful Mad Gladiator in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

RareBroodingTarantulaDropsRatsNestMap — The Nest
Rats become tangled in the spider's web; a meal within a nest within a dream.

You will track down a powerful Noxious Tarantula in a map who will drop a unique item when slain.

SpawnNecromancerAndSkeletonsInArea — The Brothers of Necromancy
Four of shared flesh and blood raise an army of borrowed blood and bone.

You will encounter four necromancers with their undead minions and slay them all.

BloodlinePackDropsFiveOrbsOfFusing — Reforged Bonds
A bond of blood breaks, but from the carnage new bonds may be formed.

You will end a Bloodline.

MonsterKillChanceToSpawnCurrencyFountain — Overflowing Riches
A full pocket, severed, spills forth like a struck spring.

You will slay a foe who erupts into currency.

ThePlaguemaw1 — The Plaguemaw I
The Plaguemaw enters the red realm and leaves a swirling mass of living stone.

You will encounter a powerful golem in a Vaal side area and defeat it.

ThePlaguemaw2 — The Plaguemaw II
The Plaguemaw's followers feed on the flesh of the dead; a desecration of the Mother's work.

You will encounter shadowy monsters in the Crypt and slay them.

ThePlaguemaw3 — The Plaguemaw III
The Plaguemaw watches you with a glistening grin, waiting for a moment to send his shadows.

You will be ambushed by the Plaguemaw's followers after you kill a certain very powerful monster.

ThePlaguemaw4 — The Plaguemaw IV
In a maze of green, the Plaguemaw sets a trap baited with treasures.

You will be ambushed by the Plaguemaw's followers in the Imperial Gardens.

ThePlaguemaw5 — The Plaguemaw V
A room, etched in crystal, plays home to the Plaguemaw. He awaits you.

You will enter the Plaguemaw's chamber in the Crystal Veins.

PathOfTheThaumaturgist1 — Thaumaturgical History I
The Aesthete's monstrous techniques are protected by the shadows.

You will read Shavronne's Journal in the Warden's Quarters.

PathOfTheThaumaturgist2 — Thaumaturgical History II
The Tongueless Witch's words speak through the stone to desperate followers.

You will read Doedre's Proclamation in The Western Forest in Act 2.

PathOfTheThaumaturgist3 — Thaumaturgical History III
The Soulless One's gift to the Prodigy draws forth those who seek the same unnatural power.

You will inspect the Ancient Reverie Device in the Chamber of Sins.

PathOfTheThaumaturgist4 — Thaumaturgical History IV
Where the Soulless One left his physical form behind, a dangerous new threat emerges.

You will read Malachai's Dedication in The Harvest.

MapFairGravesBossOpensPortalToMaoKun — The Pirate's Den
The pirate lord who hides in dank tunnels deep in dream will guide you to an island of treasure.

You will slay Belcer, the Pirate Lord, and he will open portals to Mao Kun.

MapChaosGolemBossOpensPortalToMaelstromOfChaos — Enter the Maelström
The swirling mass of dark stone stands at the centre of the dreaming storm.

You will slay Void Anomaly and he will open portals to Maelström of Chaos.

MapKudukuBossOpensPortalToOlmecsSanctum — Sanctum of Stone
Break apart the wooden god, and a door to the stone sanctum appears.

You will slay The Idol Beyond and he will open portals to Olmec's Sanctum

MapMirageOfBonesOpensPortalToMirrorDesert — Through the Mirage
Washing away the mirage unveils a parallel path to walk.

You will slay Mirage of Bones and he will open portals to a mirror world.

AncientRivalries1 — Ancient Rivalries I
Her greatest creation failed her. The Aesthete seeks to punish the brute.

You will slay Brutus while wearing one of Shavronne's items.

AncientRivalries2 — Ancient Rivalries II
Burned at the stake, the Tongueless Witch seeks to purify the purifier.

You will slay Voll while wearing one of Doedre's items.

AncientRivalries3 — Ancient Rivalries III
Cut down on the shores, the Lion's fangs will sink into the Betraying King's flesh one last time.

You will slay Kaom while wearing one of Lioneye's items.

AncientRivalries4 — Ancient Rivalries IV
The Soulless One tore the world asunder, but the Poet will have the final word.

You will slay Malachai while wearing one of Victario's items.

TheFeralLord1 — The Feral Lord I
The Feral Lord in the southern wood twists the wild to his will.

You will encounter corrupted animals in the Southern Forest and slay them.

TheFeralLord2 — The Feral Lord II
The Feral Lord's cold breath imbues and empowers the beast in the northern wood.

You will encounter a powerful beast in the Northern Forest and slay it.

TheFeralLord3 — The Feral Lord III
Where water shimmers no more, thunderous beasts are dragged into the Feral Lord's domain.

You will encounter corrupted animals in the Dried Lake and slay them.

TheFeralLord4 — The Feral Lord IV
The Feral Lord senses your presence. In the shell of the snail, the vulture seeks a fresh carcass.

You will discover and slay a very powerful Vulture within Sarn's borders.

TheFeralLord5 — The Feral Lord V
To the realm of dreams the Feral Lord flees, and leaves in his wake a burning nightmare.

You will discover and slay a very powerful fiery Rhoa in a Mud Geyser map.

RatFlood — Plague of Rats
They run, they bite, they flee, they die. Swarms of fur and teeth and tail drown each and every room.

You will discover a series of indoor chambers flooded with rats.

AnarchysEnd1 — Anarchy's End I
A criminal of Theopolis flees into dream carrying a fortuneteller's tool.

You will enter a map and slay a Rogue Exile who is carrying a Divination Card.

AnarchysEnd2 — Anarchy's End II
Two criminals carry the fortuneteller's tools as they hunt for the body of their dreaming ally.

You will enter a map and slay two Rogue Exiles who are each carrying a Divination Card.

AnarchysEnd3 — Anarchy's End III
A party of four criminals, each with the mark of the fortuneteller, hunt through dreams for their prosecutor.

You will enter a map and slay four Rogue Exiles who are each carrying a Divination Card.

AnarchysEnd4 — Anarchy's End IV
Six criminals take to foot to stamp out the threat that tracks them through dreams.

You will enter a map and slay six Rogue Exiles who are each carrying a Divination Card.

CompletingLabyrinthRewardsTwoEnchantmentUses — Twice Enchanted
A golden device hidden by a rotting emperor overflows with power.

You will be rewarded with an additional use of the Divine Font on completing the Labyrinth.

StrongboxMonstersSpawnedAsMagicOrHigher — An Unseen Peril
A trap is set, a lure is placed, but stronger foes lie in wait.

You will be attacked by stronger than normal monsters when opening a Strongbox.

MysteriousInvadersFire — Mysterious Invaders
Beyond the golden gears, the edges of reality crack, and something hidden from sight spills through.

You will find and destroy monsters from Beyond who are trying to invade Wraeclast through the map device.

MysteriousInvadersCold — Mysterious Invaders
Beyond the golden gears, the edges of reality crack, and something hidden from sight spills through.

You will find and destroy monsters from Beyond who are trying to invade Wraeclast through the map device.

MysteriousInvadersLightning — Mysterious Invaders
Beyond the golden gears, the edges of reality crack, and something hidden from sight spills through.

You will find and destroy monsters from Beyond who are trying to invade Wraeclast through the map device.

MysteriousInvadersPhysical — Mysterious Invaders
Beyond the golden gears, the edges of reality crack, and something hidden from sight spills through.

You will find and destroy monsters from Beyond who are trying to invade Wraeclast through the map device.

MysteriousInvadersChaos — Mysterious Invaders
Beyond the golden gears, the edges of reality crack, and something hidden from sight spills through.

You will find and destroy monsters from Beyond who are trying to invade Wraeclast through the map device.

UndeadSpawnInOldFields — Undead Uprising
The green and verdant field is swathed in night, the farmers who tended to it rise again.

You will travel to the Old Fields, where you will encounter and slay an army of the undead.

DayOfSacrifice1 — Day of Sacrifice I
The ancient red champion is fallen, but a killing blow reveals his final sacrifice beneath the morning sun.

You will slay a powerful Vaal Fallen who will drop a Sacrifice at Dawn fragment.

DayOfSacrifice2 — Day of Sacrifice II
Beneath the midday sun, treasure, stained by corruption, invites an ambush.

You will open a corrupted rare strongbox that will contain a Sacrifice at Noon fragment.

DayOfSacrifice3 — Day of Sacrifice III
The ancient red army opens a powerful path before the setting sun.

You will enter a difficult Vaal side area that contains an additional Sacrifice at Dusk fragment.

DayOfSacrifice4 — Day of Sacrifice IV
A corrupted dream invites an invader, who hunts in the deepest night.

You will encounter an invading foe in a rare, corrupted map, who will drop a Sacrifice at Midnight fragment.

KillingRareGrantsShrineEffect — The Blessing
Malevolence swells and spreads in minds. The flesh is weak, but the gift is strong.

You will slay a powerful foe, and gain a shrine's blessing.

KillingRareStealsMods — Hunter's Lesson
An adversary, slain, briefly lives on in the lessons taught to the slayer.

You will slay a powerful foe and gain its powers.

KillingRareDropsRareItem — Gilded Within
Gold without, gold within. Blood comes in many colours, but the gilded always bleed gold.

You will slay a powerful foe and it will drop a rare item.

KillingUniqueDropsScouringOrb — Erased from Memory
A foe feared for an aeon falls and is scoured from the pages of history.

You will slay a very powerful foe and it will drop an Orb of Scouring.

KillingRareSpawnsTormentedSpirit — Ending the Torment
A fearsome foe's inner torment spills out into the world.

You will slay a powerful foe who will release a Tormented Spirit.

KillingMonsterSpawnsEmergingMagicMonsters — Hidden Reinforcements
Cowardly foes lay in wait. A show of force reveals their true intentions.

You will be ambushed by several enemies upon slaying a foe.

KillingNormalRevivesAsRare — Rebirth
An ordinary life, an ordinary death, marked by an extraordinary rebirth.

You will slay a normal foe, who will be resurrected and granted new power.

UseWhetstoneGetMaxQuality — The Sharpened Blade
The metal softens beneath the stone, reshaping with great ease.

You will greatly enhance the quality of a weapon with a single Blacksmith's Whetstone.

UseArmourersScrapGetMaxQuality — The Hardened Armour
The rings that bind grow tighter, the plate thicker, the leather denser, all with a single touch.

You will greatly enhance the quality of an armour piece with a single Armourer's Scrap

TransmuteUpgradesItemToThreeModRare — Golden Touch
Blue tendrils entangle and change. All that remains is gold.

You will use an Orb of Transmutation on an item and it will grant extra mods.

TransmuteRingOrJewelAddLife — Vital Transformation
Blue tendrils envelop, breathing life into the beautifully inert.

You will use an Orb of Transmutation on a ring or amulet and it will gain a life mod.

TransmuteEquipmentAddResistance — Resistant to Change
Wreathed in blue sinew, it is protected from the flames, the storms and the snow alike.

You will use an Orb of Transmutation on a ring, shield, or amulet, and it will gain resistances.

TransmuteBootsAddMovementSpeed — Touched by the Wind
Stitched with blue thread, a swift boot covers great distances.

You will use an Orb of Transmutation on a pair of boots and it will gain movement speed.

DivinationCardSpawnsWithJackInTheBoxAlso — The Pair
One carries the fortune teller's mark, not knowing that a second surprise lies with it.

You will slay a foe and it will drop two Divination cards.

UseChiselGetMaxQuality — The Beautiful Guide
A single tap from the chisel, and the guide's marks grow far clearer.

You will greatly enhance the quality of a map with a single Cartographer's Chisel.

ReceiveARareItemGetFourMirroredInstead — Kalandra's Craft
A grand treasure fractures like a dropped mirror, yet somehow goes unharmed.

You will slay a foe who drops four identical rare items.

TransmuteMapAddMod — Smothering Tendrils
Blue tendrils wrap around the markings, constricting and smothering the stone beneath.

You will use an Orb of Transmutation on a map and it will gain a smothering atmosphere.

MapExtraStrongboxes — Bountiful Traps
In a distant dream, six traps with the promise of treasure wait to be sprung.

You will enter a map that holds six additional Strongboxes.

MapExtraRogueExiles — The Four Feral Exiles
In a faraway dream, four souls far from home prepare to fight to the death.

You will find four Rogue Exiles in a map and slay them.

MapTwinned — Deadly Twins
In a long-lost dream, one deadly foe becomes two.

You will enter a map and slay the Twinned bosses in it.

ReadLoreGrantsWisdomScrolls — Lasting Impressions
A hand scrawls on a wall, or carves into bone, a tale that undoes the world and teaches those who come after.

You will read something written long ago.

MapTempestFire — Fire from the Sky
Fire rains down across the land. Beware the path you take.

You will discover an area with an Infernal Tempest

MapTempestIce — Ice from Above
The cold blusters from above, chilling the unwary to the bone.

You will discover an area with an Arctic Tempest

MapTempestLightning — Lightning Falls
The storms above strike with precision. A deft foot will avoid the blows.

You will discover an area with an Electrocuting Tempest

MapTempestUndead — The Undead Storm
Bones fall from the sky and take the shape of the men they once were.

You will discover an area with a Morbid Tempest

MapTempestPhysical — Crushing Squall
The sky trembles and the ground below answers with crushing force.

You will discover an area with a Crushing Tempest

MapTempestCorrupt — Vaal Winds
Corruption is carried on a red wind, and spreads to all who are touched.

You will discover an area with a Corrupting Tempest

UniqueFireGolemAtFireFurysCamp — Living Fires
Where the sand meets the water, the flesheater's flames shine brighter and brighter still.

You will discover a powerful fire golem at Fire Fury's camp in The Coast.

FarmerSkeletonsAtRuinedHouse — Fallow At Last
The farmer's time came long ago, his ruined home the site of a dark harvest.

You will fight waves of risen farmers amongst the ruins of a house in Crossroads.

KaruiWarriorsNearWeatheredCarvings — Path of Betrayal
Cut down by the king's hand, southern spirits linger near the bones of giants.

You will encounter Karui Spirits near Weathered Carvings, and send them back to Hinekora.

WeaponsRiseUpAroundLioneyesStandard — The Forgotten Soldiers
The banner in the breeze marks the resting place of lions, whose metal fangs still thirst for blood.

You will encounter the risen weapons of a fallen army around Lioneye's Standard in The Climb.

GoldenWaterElementalsRiseFromGoldPiles — Pools of Wealth
Beckoned by the Siren's song, wrathful gold rises from the ground.

You will encounter and slay golden elementals deep in the Cavern of Anger.

ChildOfLunarisAppearsInChapel — The Child of Lunaris
The light of Lunaris shines on her child who walks in stone shrine's ruins.

Near the Crossroads, you will encounter the Child of Lunaris in the ruins of a temple, and slay it.

ArmyOfUndeadSoldiersAppearInRuinedFortress — The Forgotten Garrison
Where bandits have taken hold, a lifeless army rises to guard the ruined fortress.

Near the Broken Bridge, you will encounter and slay an army of undead in the ruins of the fortress.

TheStockkeeperAppears — The Stockkeeper
A man survives only by his greed, but a single weapon cuts down the man who has many.

You will encounter the Stockkeeper at the Grain Gate and slay him.

UniqueLightningGolemAppearsOutsideBubble — Unnatural Energy
Unnatural energies hold those in black at bay, but the barrier bends for crackling kin.

You will encounter a powerful Lightning Elemental near the Battlefront bridge.

TwoUniqueBlackguardCaptainsAppearAtFarEnd — Holding the Bridge
Where those in black swarm across the stone steps, one's blood runs cold with hatred and one's eyes crackle with wrath.

You will encounter and slay two powerful Blackguard captains near the Ebony Barracks bridge.

UniqueZombieBlackguardAtRuinedCart — In the Grasp of Corruption
A soldier in black's journey is cut short at the foot of the tower. The flesh rots, but the bone grows yet.

You will encounter a powerful undead Blackguard in the Imperial Gardens.

RareLunarisMiscreationsAppearAtScionCage — Defiled in the Sceptre
Stolen from their homes, innocent flesh is twisted and shaped atop the tower.

You will encounter a group of strong miscreations in the Upper Sceptre of God, and slay them all.

Tier1MapsSpawnedAtMapDevice — The Lost Maps
A device of great power once held by the prodigy spills forth the keys to new worlds.

You will find maps near the centre of the Chamber of Sins.

AreaAllRaresAreCloned — The Twins
What was one is now two. The strong find greater strength in numbers.

You will encounter an area where powerful monsters are duplicated.

AreaAllUniquesArePossessedByTormentedSpirits — Possessed Foe
A name remembered all this time, their will stolen by a vengeful spirit.

You will encounter one or more very powerful monsters possessed by a Tormented Spirit.

KillingTormentedSpiritTouchesAllMonsters — Touched by Death
A tormented soul makes one final grasp at vengeance.

You will kill a Tormented Spirit who then touches all other monsters. - NOTE: Currently very laggy

AreaHasVaalMonstersAndOversoul — Vaal Invasion
At the site of a great atrocity, the shadows of the distant past hang over the risen red army.

You will find Vaal invaders in the Temple of Lunaris and destroy the monster who is leading them.

AreaHasOnlyStrongboxes — Monstrous Treasure
In a long lost dream, great foes hide in tiny boxes, but so do great rewards.

You will travel to a map where the monsters lie in wait, open the boxes they guard, and slay them all.

AreaIsLikeCorruptedSideArea — The Spread of Corruption
Corruption spreads thick and fast, so too do those who revere it.

You will find and cleanse a location where the corruption of the Vaal has spread.

FrogFlood — Plague of Frogs
Wet and slippery flesh, clinging feet and tongue. No matter the colour before, now the earth is green.

You will discover an outdoor location flooded with frogs.

AreaContainsWashedUpCorpses — Visions of the Drowned
Damp and bloated with water and goods. Sometimes treasure washes ashore.

You will find an area littered with the drowned.

MapContainsTrial — The Dream Trial
The depths of a dream hide a gauntlet that sharpens the body and mind.

You will discover a Trial of Ascendancy in a map.

AreaSpawnsUndead — Soil, Worms and Blood
The unliving crowd into the dwellings of unlikely allies.

You will discover an area with large packs of Undead monsters.

AreaSpawnsInsectsAndQueens — The Hungering Swarm
Skittering across the ground, insects nest near unlikely allies.

You will discover an area with large packs of Insects.

AreaSpawnsSeaWitchesAndSpawn — The Cursed Choir
The sea witch whispers sweet nothings, and calms the hearts of unlikely allies.

You will discover an area with large packs of Sea Witches.

AreaSpawnsRareDevourers — The Trembling Earth
The earth shifts beneath the feet of many, but they are not the prey this monster seeks.

You will discover an area with many Devourers.

AreaContainsInvasionBoss — The Invader
A horror from the past returns to cause pain in a place that it never called home.

You will encounter a very powerful invading monster and slay it.

UnbearableWhispers1 — Unbearable Whispers I
Dark runes skitter across the pages of the tome, concealing the Whisperer's allies.

You will discover a tome in the Library.

UnbearableWhispers2 — Unbearable Whispers II
The Whisperer leaves a tome in the tower, held by a maddened follower.

You will discover a tome upon slaying a monster in the Sceptre of God.

UnbearableWhispers3 — Unbearable Whispers III
The Aesthete holds the Whisperer's forbidden words safe, deep in the beast's belly.

You will slay Shavronne, and she will drop a tome.

UnbearableWhispers4 — Unbearable Whispers IV
Forbidden words ring in the ears of the powerful; the Whisperer's influence spreads.

You will slay a certain powerful monster and it will drop a tome.

UnbearableWhispers5 — Unbearable Whispers V
The trapped emperor unknowingly protects foul knowledge. Dark pages amongst bright treasures.

You will discover a dangerous tome in the final chamber of the Labyrinth.

TheUnbreathingQueen1 — The Unbreathing Queen I
The Unbreathing Queen masterminds an unholy heist, a defilement of the dead.

You will encounter spectres in the Fellshrine Ruins and slay them.

TheUnbreathingQueen2 — The Unbreathing Queen II
The flesh is taken by the Unbreathing Queen. But the hero's soul, bitter and cold, remains trapped in the Emperor's greatest trial.

You will encounter the spirit of a hero in the Lord's Labyrinth and defeat it.

TheUnbreathingQueen3 — The Unbreathing Queen III
Water crashes against stone; A victim of the Unbreathing Queen burns with desire for The Mother's domain.

You will encounter the spirit of a hero in the Beacon and defeat it

TheUnbreathingQueen4 — The Unbreathing Queen IV
A tangle of web trapped the body, now stolen. The Unbreathing Queen leaves behind a sorrowful soul whose howls thunder through the halls.

You will encounter the spirit of a hero in the Temple of Decay and defeat it.

TheUnbreathingQueen5 — The Unbreathing Queen V
The Unbreathing Queen raises an army in a dream of tombs and graves. She knows you are coming.

You will defeat the Unbreathing Queen in a Cemetery map.

TheAmbitiousBandit1 — The Ambitious Bandit I
A bandit's ambition grows, and so too does the path it walks.

You will encounter and slay bandits in an area where they do not ordinarily appear.

TheAmbitiousBandit2 — The Ambitious Bandit II
A bandit seeks a relic for the greedy where greed was once a great virtue.

You will encounter and slay bandits in the Marketplace.

TheAmbitiousBandit3 — The Ambitious Bandit III
Where relics and tomes gather dust, a bandit's eyes see great value.

You will encounter and slay bandits in the Library.

DeadlyRivalry1 — Deadly Rivalry I
You draw the ire of another, imbued with golden power.

You will encounter a rival Exile imbued with Nemesis powers.

DeadlyRivalry2 — Deadly Rivalry II
Their defeat will not stand, renewed and fueled by blind rage.

You will encounter the rival Exile, now also imbued with Onslaught.

DeadlyRivalry3 — Deadly Rivalry III
Their body broken and mended, now a conduit for a greater power.

You will encounter the rival Exile, now possessed by a Tormented Spirit.

DeadlyRivalry4 — Deadly Rivalry IV
Prayer at a dark altar mends torn flesh once again, but darkness still fills the soul. Each defeat feeds their determination.

You will encounter the rival Exile, now imbued with the powers of a Shrine

DeadlyRivalry5 — Deadly Rivalry V
Allies arrive for a final battle, filled with shared blood. The breaking and mending takes its toll.

You will encounter the rival Exile, now backed by others of a shared Bloodline.

TheWarmongers1 — The Warmongers I
A vanguard seeks to claim land that is not theirs.

You will encounter and slay several Warbands.

TheWarmongers2 — The Warmongers II
The vanguard did not return, so more have followed their path, bringing war with them.

You will encounter and slay several Warbands and their reinforcements.

TheWarmongers3 — The Warmongers III
Failure twice draws the ire of higher ranking soldiers. They come to spill blood.

You will encounter and slay several Warbands and their elite soldiers.

TheWarmongers4 — The Warmongers IV
The leader arrives, and lays plans to paint the land red with your blood.

You will encounter and slay several Warbands and their leader.

BeyondSight1 — Beyond Sight I
A dark presence hides just out of sight. Only bodies betray its movements.

You will slay the cultists and the foes they summon.

BeyondSight2 — Beyond Sight II
A visible following forms around an invisible foe. It grows greater yet remains veiled.

You will slay the cultists and the powerful foes they summon.

BeyondSight3 — Beyond Sight III
Monsters not of this world spill forth. Only shapes and movement. A warped vision.

You will slay the cultists and the powerful foes they summon.

BeyondSight4 — Beyond Sight IV
My vision grows dark. A horror draws near. Its soul would be a treasured prize for Hinekora.

You will slay the Herald of Bameth and the very powerful foe it summons.

ChestWithDivinationCards — The Fortune Teller's Collection
The dreaming seeker finds what a fortune teller forgets.

You will find a chest containing Divination Cards in a map.

IcetombFated — End of the Light
The king rots in his frozen tomb, atop the island of his own creation.

You will defeat Tsoagoth, The Brine King while holding Icetomb.

WondertrapFated — Greed's Folly
A trap of greed is laid in the Vault, and sprung at its heart by a wonder.

You will defeat Guardian of the Vault while holding Wondertrap.

BriskwrapFated — Last of the Wildmen
The Master's blade strikes the ground, and his body briskly follows. The line of the Wild Men ends.

You will defeat Master of the Blade while holding Briskwrap.

SundanceFated — Sun's Punishment
Death's dance with dawn leads to the midday sun, whose spiteful zenith burns indiscriminately.

You will defeat Dawn, Harbinger of Solaris while holding Sundance.

WindscreamFated — Darktongue's Shriek
Where the dead still rest, the defiler's scream bellows through the tombs before falling eternally silent.

You will defeat Doedre the Defiler or Doedre, Darksoul while holding Windscream.

DusktoeFated — Agony at Dusk
In the beast's belly, the Inquisitor hunts the dying light.

You will defeat Maligaro, The Inquisitor while holding Dusktoe.

MeginordsViseFated — Fall of the Tower
The ancient tower stands for now, but crumbles beneath a strong hand.

You will defeat Barkhul or Tore, Towering Ancient while holding Meginord's Vise.

DoedresTenureFated — The Malevolent Witch
Silence and darkness harbour growing malevolence as the blood eater meets her maker.

You will defeat Erythrophagia or Doedre Darktongue while holding Doedre's Tenure.

HeatshiverFated — A Vision of Ice and Fire
Where the river meets the sea, the flames meet winter's chill, and heated battle sends a shiver down a twisted spine.

You will defeat Sumter the Twisted while holding Heatshiver.

TimeclaspFated — A Rift in Time
The rift is torn open, and time's clasp is twisted.

You will defeat Riftwalker while holding Timeclasp.

AtzirisMirrorFated — The Queen's Sacrifice
The ancient queen casts her gaze upon her reflection, and at last the curse is broken.

You will defeat Atziri, Queen of the Vaal in the Alluring Abyss while holding Atziri's Mirror.

QuecholliFated — The Fall of an Empire
The Vaal's dark machinery was their greatest triumph, and its destruction another's destiny.

You will defeat Shadow of the Vaal while holding Quecholli.

FencoilFated — Trapped in the Tower
The Imperatrix traps her subjects in the shining sceptre, but it is she who becomes mired.

You will defeat Caliga, Imperatrix while holding Fencoil.

TheStormheartFated — The Storm Spire
Cold ocean winds whip across the sharp stones where two yet battle for control.

You will defeat Poporo, the Highest Spire while holding The Stormheart.

FoxshadeFated — Dark Instincts
Guided by luck, the fox hunts the spider in absolute shadow.

You will defeat Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows while holding Foxshade.

AsenathsMarkFated — Song of the Sekhema
The Sekhema's whispers fight back the wind, leaving no mark remaining.

You will defeat Garukhan, Queen of the Winds while holding Asenath's Mark.

HonourhomeFated — Honour Held
A lone soul escapes the Eater with their honour held firm.

You will defeat Eater of Souls while holding Honourhome.

MalachaisSimulaFated — The Nightmare Awakens
The Eater has his final meal, and the Soulless One awakens.

You will defeat Eater of Souls while holding Malachai's Simula.

SidhebreathFated — WIP

You will defeat Xixic, High Necromancer while holding Sidhebreath.

TheIgnomonFated — Blind Faith
Two sides, light and dark, collide, and leave all but one blind.

You will defeat Barthol, the Pure while holding The Ignomon.

TheMagnateFated1 — The Great Mind of the North
The Eternal servant bathes in his own blood, and a master tactician is born.

You will defeat Hector Titucius, Eternal Servant while holding The Magnate.

TheMagnateFated2 — The Great Leader of the North
The boulder is crushed atop the hill, letting the great leader's people pass.

You will defeat Boulderback while holding The Magnate.

BloodboilFated — Cold Blooded Fury
Winter weaves the cannibal's cold fury until his blood boils over.

You will defeat Glace or Hailrake while holding Bloodboil.

HyrrisBiteFated — A Dishonourable Death
The dishonoured niece of the king is decisively laid to rest by her own bite.

You will defeat The Dishonoured Queen while holding Hyrri's Bite.

DreadarcFated — Burning Dread
The Empyrian faces her dread and perishes; her arc now complete.

You will defeat Piety the Empyrean or Piety while holding Dreadarc.

GoredrillFated — Crimson Hues
The ruins hide an artist whose own crimson ink coats the stone.

You will defeat Visceris while holding Goredrill.

GeofrisBaptismFated — Black Devotion
The Black Prayer falls silent in the face of the Archbishop's shimmering devotion.

You will defeat Litanius, the Black Prayer while holding Geofri's Baptism.

CameriasMaulFated — Cold Greed
Avarice turns the heart as cold as a fragment of Winter itself.

You will defeat Fragment of Winter while holding Cameria's Maul.

RedbeakFated — The Dreaded Rhoa
The rhoa's rage builds and boils over; a feeling of dread envelops the crimson beak.

You will defeat Skullbeak while holding Redbeak.

TheDancingDervishFated — Dance of Steel
A soul of steel shatters, and a spinning shard joins the eternal dance.

You will defeat The Steel Soul while holding The Dancing Dervish.

EclipseSolarisFated — Blinding Light
The light fades from one source but grows in another, blinding those who approach.

You will defeat Jorus, Sky's Edge while holding Eclipse Solaris.

IronHeartFated — Battle Hardened
The eager warrior meets the Tyrant in battle. Outmatched and outwitted; he uses his strength to best his foe.

You will defeat Tyrant or General Gravicius while holding Iron Heart.

ChoberChaberFated — Faith Exhumed
The lost lover returns, but faith releases him from his service.

You will defeat Tolman, the Exhumer while holding Chober Chaber.

MatuaTupunaFated — The Mentor
One falls, but another rises to lead.

You will defeat The Cleansing Light while holding Matua Tupuna.

GeofrisCrestFated — The Bishop's Legacy
The crest becomes a crown when placed upon the Bishop's brow.

You will defeat Pagan Bishop of Agony while holding Geofri's Crest.


Thank you for freeing me. The Mother of Death likes to play these little tricks on me. To remind me of my place. But she also sent you here to help.

Let me return the favour, exile. We will meet again in town, and then I will help you illuminate your path.
I've been waiting for you...
So you've finally found yourself a dwelling. Perhaps you have room for another lost soul?
I'm sure we will see each other again soon.
Is it choice that carries you here, or is it fate? I see a need in you. A need to peer into your future. A need to follow the right path. But your future has already been cast. So open your mind and embrace it.

Long ago, my people called me a hatungo. A wise woman. Now they call me a revenant. But it is not my fate to return to the Mother of Death just yet. For now I stand with one foot in this world, and the other foot in the realm of the dead. I'm an inquirer of the living and an interpreter of death.

I sense you have questions. For a gift of silver, I will answer them. But you seek more than answers. Riches. Power. These I can also provide, in a way... All you have to do is join me. Heed my words, but walk your path. The future is mine to tell, but yours to claim. It is time to fulfil your prophecy.
And so your path leads you here, exile. Be careful where you step, for as one foot leads the other, so too does each foot leave its mark. A trace of what was. A guide to what will be.
Our paths meet in the shell of a long-dead snail. An empire slow to see where its path was taking it. Built on the husk of another, and destined to be buried time and time again. This city will see great things yet, exile. But not in your lifetime.
Many great things begin at the foot of a mountain, exile. So too do many tragedies. Often a path becomes a fork, and the echoes of your actions push you down one side or the other. Do you know where you are being carried? ...Would you like to?
The Mother of Death watches over this city with great interest. You have joined us just in time. Before you lies a great many paths, each walked by a different life. But each must come to the same end. Eventually.
Go, fulfill your prophecy.
Go, fulfill your prophecy.
Go, fulfill your prophecy.
The path is clear. You must face your prophecy.
The path is clear. You must face your prophecy.
The path is clear. You must face your prophecy.
Fate is revealed. Complete your prophecy.
Fate is revealed. Complete your prophecy.
What was prophecy has become history.
What was prophecy has become history.
The prophecy is fulfilled.
The prophecy is fulfilled.
The prophecy is fulfilled.
The prophecy has come true.
The prophecy has come true.
The prophecy has come true.
Fate cannot be stopped. But it can be... contained.
Fate cannot be stopped. But it can be... contained.
Fate is like a wild beast. It can be chained, but it can't be tamed.
Fate is like a wild beast. It can be chained, but it can't be tamed.
Fate is like a wild beast. It can be chained, but it can't be tamed.
The future is undone.
The future is undone.
The future is undone.
Dark minds hide in dark places, but it was not always so.

The wise Red rulers were long-dead, and the strong seized power. But an unwise leader pulls the people towards ruin. So it came to pass that milk fresh from the nipple was soured, grass grew hard and sharp, and flesh walked the earth without a soul. Hinekora cast her net towards the new kings and queens, but four slipped through the holes and fled into darkness. There they remain. Beyond the reach of the Mother of Death. But not beyond her sight.
I travelled here through death's darkened halls, walking the paths of the Remembered. I am but a memory of the woman I was. A memory treasured and sustained by the Mother of Death.
I awoke in the halls of death with the life I once led little more than a dream half-remembered. Yama the White, my furry companion, stood before me with the Seeing Stone he holds now. Both were given a hair of Hinekora's dark knowledge, but each serves a separate purpose.

The Seeing Stone drags me deep into its core, where every instant into eternity is known all at once, like limitless rings on a tree trunk. Yama, like a torch in the mist, guides me back from the stone's infinite visions.
The old red ones left this land barren. Crops grew stunted and disease filled the air. If you don't feed an animal it will soon cast a hungry eye upon its brothers and sisters, and man is no different. The Plaguemaw and his people soon feasted on their own, devouring the very life essence of the young and innocent.
When the rains stopped, the Lord fed his farms with the blood of the beasts. But blood carries corruption with it, and the crops soon towered, monstrous and thorned. In the thick jungle of his own making, it was not only he who turned feral.
Wisdom and knowledge are not one and the same. The queen's thirst for learning was unending. As she tore through the pages of countless tomes, her knowledge grew and her wisdom slipped away, buckling beneath the weight of insanity.
Sometimes death is a thief, quick on its feet and quicker with a blade. Sometimes it is a vine, slowly growing tighter and tighter around your neck. But death is not a toy. The unbreathing queen has raised an army of soulless corpses. Her actions mock death, turning it into little more than an obstacle for her puppetry of the flesh.
Wraeclast teems with the memories of a violent past. Although the flesh and minds of its original inhabitants are long-gone, their emotions - anger, fear, envy - remain in the artefacts they have left behind.

Doedre Darktongue, Marceus Lioneye, Shavronne of Umbra, Maligaro, Victario. If these names mean nothing to you now, they will soon. Keep an eye out for their long-lost possessions. Each holds the memory of failure, sadness and a desire for revenge.
The great thaumaturgists of the past considered themselves artists of the highest calibre. Their paints were the hidden energies that flow around and through us. Their canvas: the finely-woven fabric of reality itself. And like every great artist, there were times when their brush strokes wavered, when errors were made. Unfortunately, their errors have persisted far longer than their great creations.
I have not heard of such a cult, nor have I seen visions of them, but if you say you witnessed their presence in Wraeclast, then I believe you.

Be careful. If they can avoid the gaze of the Seeing Stone then they may be beyond the grasp of even the Mother of Death. And that is truly something to fear.
Rats on a sinking ship fight to the death for a splinter of dry wood, not knowing that it too will soon be at the bottom of the sea. We are not the only rats on this ship.
I sense great anger across the land, directed at you. There is another, exiled like you, who wants you dead. For this individual, anger and desperation blur the lines of mortality.
The tools of divination found on the body of an exile. I have seen it. There are more tools, and the exiles who hold them are gathering in number.
Hinekora, my Mother of Death, is not the only god, exile. The Karui are watched over by many. Ngamahu lends us fire, which illuminates the path. Tawhoa gives us the trees and birds that line the path, so that we may enjoy beauty and peace. Tukohama provides us with weapons and knowledge of war, which lets us walk the path safely.

And in the final days of this world, Kitava, whose hunger knows no bounds, will take it all away.
Too many prophecies remain unfulfilled. Do not risk fracturing your fate.
No amount of silver will help if the wrong questions are asked.
Wisdom of one's fate has a price, and you do not have the silver to pay it.
Guidance is priced in silver. If the price is not paid, the stone will stay silent.
Return when you can pay the silver fee. Only then will your fate be known.
The onyx amulet you have begun to reshape is special, and it's metamorphosis is not yet complete. Keep it somewhere safe, for there is more yet to do.
The fragment you have recovered leads to a very dangerous realm. The Red Queen waits in her dark stronghold, and a thousand years of anger bubble just beneath the surface of her flawless, ill-gotten beauty.
The stone is silent. Please come back later.
The more deeply woven into fate, the more difficult it is to undo what I have seen. And, the more costly.
Pagan mouths worship pagan gods
False idols for false promises
A circle of silent giants imprisons a memory of undying misery.
A dark tongue whispers dark words carried by the western winds.
Roots grow from a sky of stone and
soldiers of a forgotten time march once again.
Four of shared flesh and blood
raise an army of borrowed blood and bone.
The echo of the aesthete haunts her greatest creation
bestowing great powers once more.
At the site of a great atrocity,
the shadows of the distant past hang over the risen red army.
Beyond the golden gears, the edges of reality crack,
and something hidden from sight spills through.
Carried by the southern winds,
a master of metal seeks aid.
Smelling of beast and blood,
A master hunter seeks aid.
Guarding a sculpture of flesh and bone and magic,
a master of necromancy seeks aid.
Forged in battle, stewing in arrogance,
a master of weapons seeks aid.
Turning life to death, turning death to art,
a master of the darkness seeks aid.
Forsaken by the light he has sworn to protect,
a master of prayer seeks aid.
Lost in the miasma of dream,
a master of many realms seeks aid.
Thieves make do with what they can find or take by force. When thieves outnumber their victims, they must look farther and farther for what they can take. It is their own greed that carries them into danger.
Trouble brews hidden from light,
And spills onto the soil.
Malevolence swells and spreads in minds
That can only be cleansed with the spilling of blood.
Treasures hide in foul flesh
the flesh is weak, but the gift is strong
A great threat lies in wait
in a long forgotten landmark
He whose name is written out of history
longs to leave his mark
A mind mired in dark thoughts
feeds on darker acts
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