- DoomBossBurrowStartRandom
- Hunger!
- DoomBossBurrowStart2
- Hunger!
- DoomBossBurrowStart3
- Hunger!
- DoomBossBurrowEndRandom
- Feast!
- DoomBossBurrowEnd2
- Feast!
- DoomBossBurrowEnd3
- Feast!
- DoomBossBurrowEnd4
- Feast!
- DoomBossCrunchRandom
- Crunch!
- DoomBossCrunch2
- Crunch!
- DoomBossCrunch3
- Crunch!
- DoomBossDashStartRandom
- Cull!
- DoomBossDashStart2
- Cull!
- DoomBossDashStart3
- Slaughter!
- DoomBossDashStart4
- Slaughter!
- DoomBossDashStart5
- Slaughter!
- DoomBossDefeatedRandom
- The pain... never ends...
- DoomBossDefeated2
- The pain... never ends...
- DoomBossDefeated3
- Death... is meaningless...
- DoomBossDefeated4
- Death... is meaningless...
- DoomBossDyingTarpitRandom
- Satiated... for but a moment...
- DoomBossDyingTarpit2
- Satiated... for but a moment...
- DoomBossDyingTarpit3
- Satiated... for but a moment...
- DoomBossIntroRandom
- Foolish Maven, come to feed me her champion!
- DoomBossIntro2
- Foolish Maven, come to feed me her champion!
- DoomBossIntro3
- Your champion looks delicious.
- DoomBossIntro4
- Your champion looks delicious.
- DoomBossPLayerDeathRandom
- A feast of muscle and bone!
- DoomBossPLayerDeath2
- A feast of muscle and bone!
- DoomBossPLayerDeath3
- A feast of muscle and bone!
- DoomBossPLayerDeath4
- A feast of muscle and bone!
- DoomBossPulveriseRandom
- Pulverise!
- DoomBossPulverise2
- Pulverise!
- DoomBossScapingTarpitRandom
- The Tangle will not be denied!
- DoomBossScapingTarpit2
- The Tangle will not be denied!
- DoomBossScapingTarpit3
- The Tangle will not be denied!
- DoomBossSlamRandom
- Obliterate!
- DoomBossSlam2
- Obliterate!
- DoomBossSlam3
- Obliterate!
- DoomBossSlam4
- Obliterate!
- DoomBossSlam5
- Mash!
- DoomBossSlam6
- Mash!
- DoomBossSlam7
- Mash!
- DoomBossSmashRandom
- Smash!
- DoomBossSmash2
- Smash!
- DoomBossSmash3
- Smash!
- DoomBossTarpitScapeRandom
- Hunger without end...
- DoomBossTarpitScape2
- Hunger without end...
- DoomBossTarpitScape3
- Hunger without end...
- DoomBossTauntRandom
- The Tangle will feast upon this realm forever.
- DoomBossTaunt2
- The Tangle will feast upon this realm forever.
- DoomBossTaunt3
- The Tangle will feast upon this realm forever.
- DoomBossTaunt4
- There is no escape.
- DoomBossTaunt5
- There is no escape.
- DoomBossTaunt6
- There is no escape.
- DoomBossVomitRandom
- Digestion!
- DoomBossVomit2
- Digestion!
- DoomBossVomit3
- Melt!
- DoomBossVomit4
- Melt!
- DoomBossVomit5
- Melt!
- DoomBossDashEndRandom
- Trample!
- DoomBossDashEnd2
- Trample!
- DoomBossDashEnd3
- Crush!
- DoomBossDashEnd4
- Crush!
- DoomBossDashEnd5
- Crush!